Hair transplant for advanced alopecia



My personal experience


I decided I wanted to improve my appearance, and one of the things I needed to deal with was my hair. I had so little of it left. I began looking for information and seeking the advice of professionals. They recommended this clinic to me. Dr. Jiménez Acosta was present at all times. The intervention lasts quite a few hours but is very painstaking work.

Comments by Dr. Jiménez Acosta


This 43-year-old patient had had progressive male pattern hair loss for some 20 years and a family history of baldness. Though with an advanced hair loss stage graded as 4-5, he was considered a good candidate for a hair transplant given the abundance of hair in the donor area. Two transplant sessions of 1937 and 2356 follicular units were carried out, with the second session taking place one year after the first. The final result shows the excellent coverage obtained. A third session may still be performed to further cover the crown.
It is always better to begin by restoring the frontal and central areas, leaving the crown to the end.